
Director of Finance & Operations

Larry Azer

King Philip Bus Routes for 2024-2025 updated as of 8/30/2024

King Philip Bus Registration for 2024-2025

The deadline to register for bus service for the 2024-2025 school year was on July 31st. At this point, if you would like your student to be placed on the wait list for a bus, please send an email to Larry Azer, Director of Finance & Operations, with your student’s name, grade, and street address. No phone calls please, thank you!

Bus Riding Privileges

The King Philip Regional School District expects that every student who rides a bus will behave properly. Rules and procedures are published in the Student Handbook.. Bus riding privileges may be forfeited for rule infractions.
Please call the school’s Main Office regarding late buses and minor issues concerning buses, drivers, etc.
High School:     (508) 384-1000
Middle School: (508) 541-7324

Bus Route Publications

Bus routes and bus stop listings are published on this page of the King Philip website in late August. Bus routes and bus stops are established by the bus company based on student address information supplied by parents/guardians via the bus registration process. When registering your student(s) each year, it is very important that you supply the correct home address, as your bus route and bus stop are based on your residence.

Lost and Found

  • At the end of the day, the bus driver is required to visually inspect the whole bus for left behind items.
  • If the driver finds anything, he/she will retain the items until the next run to attempt to return the lost items.
  • At the end of the first day, if the items have not been returned, the driver gives the items to the front office of the bus company for safekeeping.
The office hours for Holmes Transportation are from 6:00am-4:00pm. They may be contacted at (508) 528-4550. Once the office is closed, an answering service is available at the same number. If it is an emergency, someone from Holmes Transportation will be contacted.