Teaching & Learning

Curriculum Access

Click here for the King Philip Regional School District Curriculum Site

This provides our parents with an opportunity to browse our curriculum in all areas. It has been helpful to teachers, tutors, and parents needing to access our curriculum.  As you browse individual courses, you will be able to access curriculum maps and unit designs. The maps and unit designs are broad outlines of what students need to know and be able to do. Maps are collaboratively created by our teachers, who spend many hours reaching consensus about the curriculum that is essential for our students. As a result, the content of our maps include and often exceed state standards. Revisions are made when needed to meet the needs of students and curricular requirements. We anticipate that some units will change over the course of time as teachers make necessary modifications. Please also be aware that some units may be taught in a different sequence due to shared resources and/or a quarterly or semester rotation.

We hope that you find the site useful as you learn more about what is taught in the King Philip Regional School District. Questions, comments or feedback should be directed to the King Philip Regional Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Colleen Terrill, terrillc@kingphilip.org or your child’s building principal.

Curriculum Frameworks

This directs you to the state curriculum frameworks in all disciplines that are taught in the state of Massachusetts.

King Philip Curriculum Review

The King Philip Curriculum Review process ensures that every curriculum has a coordinated review within the school district.

SEI Professional Development/ 15 PDP's Teacher Licensure

Every licensed educator in Massachusetts has an obligation to engage in professional development related to English Language Learners (ELL). Based upon an educator’s individual situation, however, there may be a separation between whether the educator is required to obtain the full SEI Endorsement (earned through a RETELL course or by passing the SEI MTEL exam) or a lesser requirement of earning 15 PDPs related to SEI/ESL instruction. The following information will help each educator understand exactly what steps you need to take to ensure you are compliant with the requirements and regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).

15 PDPs in SEI/ELL Required for Professional Re-Certification

All educators seeking to renew a professional license must earn 15 PDPs in SEI/ESL instruction as part of the 150 PDPs required for re-certification of a professional license every 5 years. If you earned the SEI Endorsement by taking a RETELL course during the 5-year period for which you are renewing your professional license, the course may be used to fulfill this requirement.

Teachers are supported to take the 15 PDP renewal course offered with funding allocated through SmartPD, our online King Philip Program for Professional Development requests. Specific courses are recommended throughout the year via email by the Assistant Superintendent or Director of Student Services. Examples of some options staff have enrolled in can be found here or with MATSOL.

The SEI Endorsement

The SEI Endorsement is required for teachers seeking to obtain an initial license, and for all “core academic teachers” who have an ELL student placed into their class. DESE defines “core academic teachers” as teachers of moderate disabilities, severe disabilities, English, reading or language arts, math, science, civics and government, economics, history, geography, early childhood and elementary teachers who teach such subjects; and administrators who supervise one of these teachers. Core academic teachers must obtain the SEI Endorsement within one year of having an ELL student placed into their class.

The Endorsement can be earned either through a RETELL course (online  options also listed below) or by passing the SEI MTEL exam. Teachers who hold an ESL/ELL professional license do not need to take a RETELL course and are automatically eligible for the SEI Endorsement.

For more information, please visit the DESE RETELL webpage.