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King Philip Regional High School Announces 2024 Graduation Distinction Recipients

WRENTHAM — Superintendent Rich Drolet and King Philip Regional High School Principal Nicole Bottomley are pleased to announce that several students have graduated with distinction as members of the Class of 2024. To be awarded this distinction, each recipient proposed, researched and developed a project by identifying a topic based upon a community need and then shared their final project with the community. Each recipient wrote a final process paper and presented their project to a faculty panel.

“Each year, we have a number of students who take it upon themselves to better their community through extensive research and work on a certain topic,” Superintendent Drolet said. “Whether their topic falls under the category of liberal arts or STEM, the student’s hard work and dedication to their topic is commendable, as it shows their commitment to using education to make a difference where they live. I ask that you all join me in congratulating these students on their projects and I would also like to thank Ms. Emma Staples, Ms. Elizabeth Hocking, and Ms. Heather Osborne for assisting our students with these worthwhile projects.”

Added King Philip Regional High School Principal Bottomley, “I was so impressed by the presentations and the thought put into the impact these projects would have. It is wonderful knowing that our students have an immediate, positive impact on the community.”

Students who graduated with distinction include the following:

Each of these students’ diplomas indicated their graduation with distinction status, and they were recognized during the senior awards ceremony and graduation.


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