King Philip Regional School District Releases 2024-2029 Strategic Plan

King Philip Regional School District has released its 2024-2029 Strategic Plan. (Photo courtesy King Philip Regional School District)

WRENTHAM — Superintendent Rich Drolet is pleased to share King Philip Regional School District’s Strategic Plan for the 2024-2029 school years.

“I would like to thank all staff, students, alumni, parents/guardians, community leaders and tri-town community members who took our strategic planning survey last spring, which provided valuable feedback to help KP’s Strategic Planning Committee craft this plan,” said Superintendent Drolet. “Our strategic plan contains our mission, vision, core values and four strategic focus areas. This plan will be updated annually as we strive to work toward initiatives, meet objectives, and monitor progress.”

The district has been developing its new strategic plan since the early spring of 2024 which included a significant amount of public input from a broad cross-section of the community, including school committee members, parents, students, teachers, principals and stakeholders from the community. Over 1,000 community stakeholders’ feedback was taken into account.

The strategic plan was presented and approved at the School Committee meeting on July 22, 2024. To view the strategic plan for 2024-2029, click here.

The strategic plan features the district’s theory of action, which reads:

“If we ensure a safe and inclusive learning environment to support the varied academic and social-emotional needs of our students and staff, and establish increased communication channels to promote understanding and increase involvement and support for our regional school district, then we will be able to foster personal and academic growth while cultivating hardworking, resilient, and empathetic learners, who are positive contributors to the tri-town KP community and the world.”

The strategic plan, which will be worked on over a five-year period, focuses on four strategic objectives to provide the best educational opportunities for students: (1) Teaching, Learning, and Leading for All; (2) Communication and Community; (3) Finance, Facilities and Human Resources; and (4) Culture and Wellness.

The four strategic objectives focus on the following:

  • Teaching, Learning, and Leading for All: Support the varied needs of students and staff through improved practices while promoting innovation and an aligned curriculum.
  • Communication and Community: Foster effective two-way communication channels among students, staff, administration, families and the broader tri-town community to promote collaboration, enhance understanding, elevate family involvement and provide clarity and transparency.
  • Finance, Facilities and Human Resources: Provide adequate funding for staff retention, recruitment of a diverse staff, maintenance and enhancement of facilities and long-range capital improvements.
  • Culture and Wellness: Provide a safe and inclusive environment to support social, emotional, and personal growth.

To achieve these objectives, the district will undertake a wide array of initiatives and will closely examine its current curriculum, programming, procedures and areas of improvement.

The 2024-2029 Strategic Plan is a living document that will be at least annually and modified to continuously meet the needs of the King Philip Regional School district.


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