NORFOLK — Superintendent Dr. Rich Drolet and Director of Student Services Lisa Moy have announced that the King Philip Regional School District will undergo an Integrated Monitoring Review conducted by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s (DESE) Office of Public School Monitoring (PSM) during the week of April 7.
The review, which occurs every three years, will assess the district’s compliance with key special education requirements, including student identification, eligibility timelines, Individualized Education Program development, programming and support services, and procedural safeguards related to suspensions and equal opportunity.
As part of this process, PSM will do the following:
- Conduct interviews with district staff and administrators, review student records, policies, and procedures, and visit school buildings.
- Distribute a parent survey in multiple languages and accessible formats to parents and guardians of special education students.
Approximately 60 business days after the onsite visit, PSM will provide the district with a report detailing its findings and any necessary corrective actions. The public will be able to access this report at
The interview and review process may also include parent, student, and teacher focus group meetings, with interpretation services available as needed.
To gather additional input, DESE is offering parents, guardians and other stakeholders the opportunity to request a telephone interview with the PSM team by contacting Monitoring Review Chairperson Henry Ndakalu at 781-338-3706. Translation services will also be made available by the PSM team for those requesting a telephone interview.
For more information about the review process, please contact the King Philip Regional School District’s Office of Student Services by emailing, or by calling 508-520-7991, ext. 2320.