[Update] Plumbing issue at the high school

Dear King Philip Community Members, 

I am writing to provide an update regarding the plumbing issue at the King Philip Regional High School building.

Earlier today, all KPRHS students were dismissed early from school due to a plumbing issue resulting in most bathrooms within the school being unusable. Thanks to the work of our amazing custodial staff, we have been able to address the plumbing issues in the affected areas, and we are now working to thoroughly clean and disinfect these areas.

Thanks to the quick and diligent work today, the KPRHS building will re-open at 2 p.m. today for all scheduled after-school events. All athletic games that were previously scheduled will occur as planned. 

We are also pleased to share that there is no anticipated disruption to tomorrow’s school day and, as such, school operations will resume as normal.

We thank you all for your cooperation and understanding as we worked to address the plumbing issue today. 


Superintendent Paul Zinni

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